Mitrofanova I.V., Rodionova E.V. Adaptation of regional system of strategic planning to the requirements of the Law FZ №172
Inna Vasilievna Mitrofanova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Scientific Researcher, Institute of Social, Economic and Humanitarian Researches of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor, Department of International and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation;
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Ekaterina Vladimirovna Rodionova
Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics and Finances, Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Volgograd Branch
Gagarin St., 8, 400131 Volgograd, Russian Federation
In the article the advantages of the federal law “About strategic planning in the Russian Federation” acting since 2014 and directed on the creation in Russia and its regions of the vertically integrated system of strategic planning are analyzed. The authors paid special attention to important aspects of the strategic planning which due to some reasons either didn’t find the reflection in this law or were not properly specified and these questions need to be clarified. A number of specific suggestions concerning the improvement of the legislation in the sphere of strategic planning are developed. The activity of regional authorities concerning the update of the regional legislation is analyzed, at the same time the authors of the article pay special attention to the regions of the Southern Federal District. It is shown which changes happened in the system of the documents serving as reference points for developers of the regional strategy at the formation of its basic content. The suggestions were made concerning the special part of the strategy of the subject of the Russian Federation. The special attention is paid by the author to the problems of a more capacious reflection in the strategy of the social and economic development of the region which was meant for the period till 2030 including the cluster policy, the policy of zoning and the policy of import substitution. It is proved that the system of documents of the strategic planning which has been developed in regions so far needs revising. The author assumes that it is necessary to support the law of the introduction of the two-year moratorium on the development by the regions of the strategy and programs which were intended for the period till 2030 before the publication of such documents as “Strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation”, “Strategy of social and economic development of the Russian Federation till 2030” (Strategy-2030). It will allow avoiding chaos and inconsistency in the vertically integrated system of strategic planning created in Russia.
Key words: goal-setting, strategy, planning, forecasting, programming, development, socioeconomic regional complex, scenarios.
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