Likhonosova A.S. Effect of social and economic exclusion of a person under conditions of the globalization
Anna Sergeevna Likhonosova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Taxation and Social Economics, Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University
Central Avenue, 59-A, 93406 Severodonetsk, Ukraine
In the article the problem of the social and economic exclusion, which today acquires a new meaning is analyzed. The author proves that there exists a globalist threat to the international community by means of the renunciation from the productive principle in favor of the monetarist economy, from a pluralistic system of international relations in favor of the unilateralism in world politics. On the basis of an interdisciplinary approach a retrospective analysis of a deep formation of the phenomenon of social and economic exclusion is carried out. It is concluded that the violation of traditional ties (family, national, human, spiritual ones) leads to the depersonalization of a man and the atomization of social and economic development. The adoption in the public mind of the sense of loss of lofty ideals and the meaning of existence, moral relativism and pessimism give rise in turn to the exclusion in all its forms and manifestations of the understanding. The attention is focused on the globalization of modern life, which is not just some foreign background, but also an important factor in the practical life changes in any country in the new millennium. It is proved that the globalization raises the question of preserving not only nature, social and economic relations, but also the problem of self-survival of open systems. It is a logical conclusion that none of the global problems of modern humanity in the long run can be solved without the rebuilding the foundations of the current civilizational development which generates and exacerbates these problems. In the context of a global form of alienation a particular aspect is given to the problem of the limits of the planet’s ecosystems. The main impact on the global destruction of the ecological balance has industrial activities of the countries of the “golden billion”. Shifting the base load from natural disasters on underdeveloped and developing countries in the long term can aggravate the growing contradictions in the world. For the consequences of major natural and man-made disasters all countries should be jointly responsible in the social and economic way.
Key words: consumption paradigm, globalization, unipolarity, threat, social and economic exclusion, depersonalization, elimination.
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