Trilitskaya O.Yu. Analysis of efficiency of competitive strategy of confectionery plant “Konfil”
Oksana Yurievna Trilitskaya
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Management, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Today the absolute leader in the national market of confectionery is not revealed. In the article the general tendency of delay of growth rates of the market of confectionery which according to the experts will not remain quick is revealed: the market of confectionery will begin to grow again, involving new producers. It is established that at the increase in level of use of production capacities of the enterprise the demand for the production of the branch was reduced, there was a decrease in the provision of the enterprise with orders for production. The deterioration in the provision of “Konfil” national enterprise with current assets is revealed. The lack of money for financing of the current activity and financing of investments limits the production activity of the enterprise. The main sources of financing the investment activity are still the own means of the enterprise that negatively affects the activity of the firm, the growth of expenses and the increase in prices for products. But despite it at the enterprise modern technologies are introduced and applied, processes of production are automated and mechanized. By the results of the analysis of methods and tools of strategy applied by “Konfil” national enterprise it is revealed that in modern conditions the strategy of diversification and differentiation is the most effective that is confirmed by the statistical data and the results of the author’s SWOT analysis.
Key words: market of confectionery, city-forming enterprise, national enterprise “Konfil”, range, technology, competition, competitive strategy, competitive advantages, diversification, differentiation, efficiency.
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