Bogomolova I.V., Mashentsova L.S. Modernization of strategy of social and economic development of the Southern Federal District as a condition of providing the sustainable development of agglomerations and municipalities of the South of Russia
Irina Viktorovna Bogomolova
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Department of Economics and Project Management in Construction, Volgograd Architectural and Construction University
Akademicheskaya St., 1, 400074 Volgograd, Russian Federation
Lyudmila Sergeevna Mashentsova
Postgraduate Student of the Department of Economics and Project Management in Construction, Volgograd Architectural and Construction University
Akademicheskaya St., 1, 400074 Volgograd, Russian Federation
In 2014 the law “About Strategic Planning in the Russian Federation” defining new frame conditions has come into force and regulates the formation of strategy of the development of the territory (the country, the federal district, the region), its main objectives, tasks and results. The need of competitive development of cities and districts forces territories to master the skills, tools and technologies allowing quickly and effectively to react to exogenous and endogenous political, economic calls and threats. On the example of the Southern Federal District the interrelation between the social and economic development of the macroregion and the administrative-territorial formations is analyzed. The dependence between the development indicators separately from the cities – administrative centers and subjects of the Southern Federal District is defined. In the updated strategy the authors offer: to introduce a system of the balanced private strategy of the sustainable development of areas (edges) and cities – administrative centers; to make the adjustment taking into account a modern geopolitical situation; to include measures for a sustainable development of territories taking into account the installations of the United Nations (UN) aimed at providing inclusivity, safety, stability, viability of the cities and settlements and also increasing their competitiveness.
Key words: territory, Southern Federal District, economic complex, sustainable development, strategic planning, strategy, agglomeration, municipality, administrative innovations.
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