Klimuk V.V. Tools of the assessment of modernization processes at the enterprises of agricultural mechanical engineering in the Southern Federal District
Vladimir Vladimirovich Klimuk
Postgraduate Student, Southern Federal University
М. Gorky St., 88, 344007 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
This article analyzes the current state of the agricultural machinery industry in the South of Russia. It is shown that in the current economic conditions the technological modernization of the industry is required, which will improve the competitiveness of domestic production in the domestic and foreign markets. To analyze the processes of modernization in the agricultural machinery the tools were designed including: typology of modernization projects that allows you to select projects that are the goals of the competitive import substitution; indicators to assess the level of the activity of the enterprises in relation to the implementation of modernization projects; matrix of modernization development of the region. For the solution of problem of import competition due to the direction of modernization the following classification features of modernization processes were proposed: according to the purpose of the import substitution projects to the duration, to the scale, to the nature of change in the industrial activity, to the degree of modernization of production, to the degree of coverage of import substitution products of the production process. To assess the level of modernization processes in the field of mechanical engineering the following parameters are offered: the investment capacity of modernization projects, the proportion of the volume of production enterprises of the industry in the GRP, the pace of change in the volume of production in the industry as a result of the modernization projects, the proportion of new technologies, scientific research, performed by own forces, enterprises sector relative to the total number of the introduced in a region of such developments and technologies, the share of investment in modernization projects, the total investment in the industry, the share of export / import products industry in total exports / imports of the region, the rate of return on modernization projects. The analysis revealed a group of regions with a high activity of modernization development, requiring stimulation, the potential in the modernization of production, as well as their ranking on the level of import dependence for the purpose of implementing the policy of substitution of domestic goods.
Key words: modernization processes, competitive import substitution, innovation activity, engineering sector, modernization matrix, intermediate monitoring of the implementation schedule of the modernization project.
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