Korobov S.A. Strategic directions for the developmentof small and medium sized enterprises of the Volgograd region
Sergey Alexandrovich Korobov
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Head of the Management Department, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
The relevance of this study is determined by the development of the strategic management process of small and medium enterprises in the crisis economy from the point of view of search and introduction of new effective solutions of the public authorities in the mechanism of the state support and regulation of the economy of the region. On the example of the Volgograd region the socio-economic analysis of the current state of regional small and medium enterprises including its strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats was lead. During the analysis a special attention was paid to the issues of the public monitoring of small and medium enterprises in the Volgograd region that was held in 2014-2015. On the basis of SWOT-analysis and formulated key recommendations for further development of the business sector of the Volgograd region, basic principles of functioning of the mechanism of state support and regulation of small and medium enterprises were determined. In the framework of territorial and resource analysis the following strategic priorities directions for the development of small and medium sized enterprises in the Volgograd region were identified: formation of regional growth points (clusters); the development of knowledge production and innovative forms of doing business; improvement of the network infrastructure to support export-oriented small and medium enterprises; expansion of the application of mechanisms of public private partnerships in small and medium sized enterprises, promotion of personnel training for the business; implementation of a unified standard for monitoring the business climate in municipalities; growth of the self- employment in agricultural, tourism and recreational industries. The main risk factors when implementing programs of support and development of small and medium enterprises on the basis of which proposed solutions to minimize them are identified. In the conclusion, we analyze the best regional practices in business development that need to be followed in the strategic planning and the management of public programs in the field of small and medium sized enterprises.
Key words: regional economy, crisis, small and medium enterprises, Volgograd region, state mechanism, state support, state regulation, analysis of entrepreneurship, development of the business sector, risks of entrepreneurship, regional practice for enterprise development.
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