Novoselova Yu.V. Phenomenon of road construction in the Volgograd region
Yulia Vladimirovna Novoselova
Undergraduate Student, Chair of the State and Municipal Administration, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
The phenomenon of the road construction in the Volgograd region and in some other regions of Russia is that funds for roadwork are allocated. The repair work, the new construction are conducted on a permanent basis, however the road condition only worsens. The quality of already repaired roads in half a year, or a year is often comparable with roads which weren’t under repair for a long time. The statistical data on road and transport incidents the reason for which are a poor quality of roads are provided in the article. The author has opened the reasons of a low productivity of road construction in the Volgograd region among which are the following: the late announcement of competitive procedures which often start along with an exit into the route of asphalt spreaders; corruption and a low-quality selection of contract organizations, lobbying of their interests; inefficient contract system; lack of the complex system of technical supervision of roadwork, etc. The author has analyzed the plans of the Volgograd region for repair, reconstruction and construction of roads in the region and in the city of Volgograd in connection with the FIFA World Cup in 2018. The volume of the planned works is impressive, however a positive result can be provided only if organizational and technical innovative solutions are used.
Key words: road construction, quality of life of the population, road infrastructure, road and transport traumatism, investment strategy, transport system, innovations, corruption, efficiency.
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