Lipina S.A., Smirnova O.O., Kreidenko T.F. Opportunities and limitations of spatial development of the Russian Federation in the long term period
Svetlana Arturovna Lipina
Doctor of Science (Economics), Head of the Laboratory, The Higher School of Public Administration, Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service at the President of the Russian Federation
Prosp. Vernadsky, 82, corp. 9, 119571 Moscow, Russian Federation;
Director of the Center of Strategic Management and Spatial Development, Council for Studying of Productive Forces of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Russian Academy of Sciences
Vavilova St., 7, 117312 Moscow, Russian Federation
Olga Olegovna Smirnova
Doctor of Science (Economics), Associate Professor, Head of the Office of Macroeconomic Forecasting, Strategic Planning and Spatial Development, Council for Studying of Productive Forces of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation and Russian Academy of Sciences
Vavilovа St., 7, 117312 Moscow, Russian Federation;
Head of the Department of Strategic Planning, International Independent Ecological and Politological University
Kosmonavta Volkovа St., 20, 127299 Moscow, Russian Federation
Tatiana Fedorovna Kreidenko
Candidate of Geographical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Regional Economics and Geography, Russian Peoples’ Friendship University (RUDN)
Miklukho-Maclayа St., 6, 117198 Moscow, Russian Federation
The federal law No. 172-FZ “About the strategic planning in the Russian Federation” introduces the document taking the central place in the system of the state strategic planning i.e. the strategy of spatial development of the Russian Federation. In the article the domestic and foreign experience of preparation and implementation of strategic documents is analyzed, and also domestic and foreign methodologies and practices of the strategic planning of the development in relation to the tasks and conditions determining the stability of social and economic development of Russia and its regions at the beginning of the XXI century are anylized. The basic provisions of the strategic documents defining the reference points of the spatial development in the countries of the European Union, North America and mechanisms of the realization of the regional policy through the work of Agencies of regional development in the countries having similar natural and resource characteristics of the territory (Canada, Australia, Kazakhstan, Brazil) are shown. On the basis of the analysis of the basic factors forming the main restrictions and opportunities of the transformation of the economic space the reference points of spatial development of national social and economic system are defined. The role of an innovative component in the optimization of forms of the spatial organization of the economy of regions of the Russian Federation is emphasized: formations of new territorial points of growth, first of all, in the form of territorial and production and innovative clusters, large administrative centers.
Key words: strategic planning, spatial development, innovations, national economy, regional economy, growth points, clusters, territories of the advancing development.
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