Dorgushaova A.K. Formation of the economic framework of regional innovative system
Asiyat Kaplanovna DorgushaovaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Information Security and Applied Informatics Chair, Maikop State Technological University
Pervomayskaya St., 191B, 385000 Maikop, Russian Federation
In the article conceptual provisions of formation of the economic framework of innovative development of the region are grounded. The economic framework is considered as a qualitatively new integrated and integrating structure, the unity and interrelation of the elements of which ensure the enhancement of the economic potential of the region on the basis of the synergistic and multiplicative effects. The study is based on the concept of system sustainability developed by G.B. Kleiner. According to this theory in the structure of regional systems object, environmental, process and project subsystems are isolated. The functionality and the role of these subsystems in the formation of the economic framework of the innovative development of the region, as well as the problems associated with the failure of their development are studied. It is argued that the economic framework of the region should be formed as a matrix structure, where the frame matrix is understood as the set of nodes of business activity in different hierarchies, and relations and interactions between them through various communication tools and technologies. The operation of the matrix can be achieved through the implementation of project-process approach to managing economic systems, which involves the creation of subsystems of process and project type. The process of shaping the economic framework of innovative development of the region is represented as a set of projects that contribute to constructive changes in the real sector of economy in the conditions of risk and uncertainty. It is shown that for the formation of the environmental subsystem the necessary institutional changes, as well as the effective functioning of the infrastructure are needed. It is concluded that the application of system analysis methods leads to the formation of the economic framework of innovative development of the region that corresponds to a new development paradigm, according to which the driving force of the economic growth are (along with competition) partnerships of stakeholders at various hierarchical levels.
Key words: innovative development, economic framework of a region, system analysis, process and project approach, framework matrix, environmental subsystem of a region
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