Smirnova O.O. Methods of the assessment of spatial price discrimination
Olga Olegovna SmirnovaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Deputy Director of Interregional Institute of Territorial Development
Sevastopolskoye Shosse, 1, 298670 Yalta, Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the research of problems of the influence of the spatial price discrimination on possibilities of the economic development of regions. In particular, it is shown that the establishment of price discrimination on raw materials (coal, oil products and mineral fertilizers) has the greatest impact on the regional development. It is proved that the price discrimination can be applied as the tool of industrial policy, however in the modern antitrust law cases of the exception are defined only for innovative goods that makes important the research of the problem of compliance of tools of the industrial and antimonopoly policy. The author notes that the discrimination based on the assessment of consumer behavior can be applied by firms and at rather small scales of activity, however in the modern antitrust law the price discrimination isn’t regulated in any way. In the article questions of the identification and the regulation of the spatial price discrimination in the aspect of the development of the methodology of antimonopoly regulation are also investigated. The author offered a number of the actions directed on the modernization of methods of the assessment of spatial price discrimination.
Key words: price, space, discrimination, antimonopoly regulation, industrial policy, elasticity of demand, dominant position.
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