Ivanov N.P. Innovative management of the regional power as the factor of the accelerated development of territorial economy
Nikolay Prokofyevich IvanovDoctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vice President on the Strategic Development, Stavropol State Medical University
Mira St., 310, 355017 Stavropol, Russian Federation
In the article within the comparative analysis tendencies of functioning of the economic complex of a number of regions of the South of Russia in recent years are revealed. The potential of modernization of the economy of Stavropol Krai is presented. The influence of the organizational and administrative innovations on the activity and efficiency of use in practice of territorial management of institutes of economic development is shown. It is proved by the author that the realization of the administrative capacity of bodies of the regional power of Stavropol Krai is mainly connected with the development of the production sector of the region. The monitoring and the management of regional economy become basic elements of the creation of a diversified, effective and competitive environment focused on the creation in the region of industrial complexes which produce finished final products. In the article it is emphasized that organizational and administrative innovations in many aspects are directed on the encouragement of the process of formation of a regional innovative system, on the search of more effective forms of the interaction with vertically integrated companies (megacorporations) operating in the territory of the region and whose investment resources need to be involved in the process of the modernization and the restructuring of the regional economic complex.
Key words: quasi corporation, regional economy, territorial specificity, organizational and managerial innovations, diversified industrial complex, interregional comparison, interregional cluster structures.
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