Popova E.S. Updating of methods of realization of an agrarian policy in modern conditions
Elena Sergeevna PopovaPostgraduate Student, Сhair of the Economic Theory and Economic Policy, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
In article it is emphasized that the Russian agrarian sector appeared before the system call predetermining need of updating of scientific and information, technical, technological base on qualitatively new basis today. The author reasoned need of transition to qualitatively new type of development of agroindustrial complex that is caused by a number of problems, characteristic for it: the remaining disparity of the prices; insufficient volumes of investment into fixed capital; high degree of wear of fixed assets, and also obvious contradictions of institutional and legal and economic character in the realized agrarian policy. As one of the important tools of an agrarian policy allowing to fix problems and contradictions more active participation of the state in regulation of agro-industrial production is represented. However the author considers that forms of the state support of the Russian agrarian sector need modernization to what also world experience testifies: the majority of the countries depart from practice of direct payments today, applying it only at system catastrophic damages or at implementation of specific national programs.
Key words: agriculture, region, agrarian policy, state support, food security, income, demand, offer, fixed assets, sustainable development, effective production.
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