Dorgushaova A.K. Informational and technological context of the regional strategy creation
Asiyat Kaplanovna DorgushaovaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Information Security and Applied Informatics Chair, Maikop State Technological University
Pervomayskaya St., 191 B, 385000 Maikop, Russian Federation
In the article on the basis of studying of the positive experience of the informatization of systems of the strategic management of social and economic development of regions, and also of critical judgment of the reasons of negative results of the implementation of profile federal target programs the new technology of creation of the unified info communication system supporting some modes of adoption of administrative decisions at the regional level is offered. The purpose of the work consists in the development of applied tools of rational use of the informational capacity of the region, its targeted development for the support of processes of a regional strategy creation. The methodological base of research is created on the basis of a combined use of a systematic, standard and resource, target, synergetic, strategic, institutional and endogenous approaches. In contrast to the available publications on this issue in this article the single informational and technological regional system of support of decisions realizing all the necessary set of functional opportunities of such systems acts as a basis of the regional system of decision support. In the structure of this system rather independent informational blocks of support of several modes of decision-making are isolated: the solution of administrative problems of a strategic character concerning prospects of the development of the region; solution of administrative problems of operational and tactical character; the solution of administrative tasks concerning the arising acute socio-political issues and the conflicts in the region. On the basis of the author’s systematization, generalization and the analysis of the reasons (not only technological, but also institutional and legal character) of not achieving a number of purposes of the federal target program “Electronic Russia” the directions of modernization of such systems in regions of Russia are developed.
Key words: social and economic development, region, management, regional policy, regional strategy creation, target programs, informatization, info communicational support of decisions, electronic Russia, modernization, efficiency.
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