Kushnarenko T.V. Informational and analytical support of the strategy of the non oil development of the multistructural economy of a region
Tatiana Vladimirovna KushnarenkoCandidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Chair of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, Don State Technical University
Gagarina Sq., 1, 344010 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
In the article the technology of creation of the informational and technological system focused on the support of the realization of the strategy of non-oil development of the region with a multistructural economy is offered. The purpose of the work consists in the development of applied tools of support of adoption of administrative decisions concerning the effective use of the potential of a multistructural character in the development of non-oil production in the South of Russia. The methodological base of research is created on the basis of a convergence of systematic, synergetic, institutional and endogenous approaches. In contrast to publications on this issue, the multiformity of the regional economy is analyzed through a prism of the integration and complementarity of potentials of different ways of life of certain territories of the region that finds the reflection in the indicators forming system of the informational and analytical support of strategic decisions. It is shown that under the conditions of the priority of the non-oil development a rational joining in the process of realization of corresponding projects of enterprises of various scales of different economic modes is needed. The main informational modules of the offered system of support are defined: the module 1 – indicators of development of municipalities of the region in industries; the module 2 – infrastructural parameters of the development of municipalities of the region; module 3 – institutional parameters of the development of municipalities of the region; module 4 – socio-economic indexes of the development of municipalities of the region. On the basis of the analysis of functionality of these system modules of the directions of the expansion and the addition of the existing statistical base are offered. The architecture of application of systems of informational and analytical support of the decisionmaking for the management of realization of the strategy of non-oil development of a multistructural economy of the region that will allow providing the realization of flexible forms of cooperation is developed. This structure unite various economic subjects, both vertically and horizontally.
Key words: non-oil development, region, multistructural economy, informational and technological support, South of Russia, strategic interaction.
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