Kotova L.A., Mitrofanova I.V. Long-term prospects of positioning of the south of Russia and the region “Donbas” in the integrational process of the formation of the development corridor
Larisa Anatolyevna KotovaLecturer, Department of Management and Economics Branch of the Southern Federal University in Novoshakhtinsk
40 Let Oktyabria St., 2, 346900 Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region, Russian Federation
Inna Vasilievna Mitrofanova
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Leading Scientific Researcher, Institute of Social, Economic and Humanitarian Researches of the Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Professor, Department of World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University
Prosp. Chekhova, 41, 344006 Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation;
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
The deep recession of the Ukrainian economy connected with a political and military conflict in the region “Donbass” intensifies the problem of its further stable and balanced development. The depression phase is characterized by irreversible changes in the institutional sphere, synchrony breaking of the economic interests of economic subjects, destabilization of the Caspian and Black Sea borders. The authors carried out an integrated assessment of geo-economics of the south of Russia and the south-east of Ukraine on the basis of three methods related to the basic and fundamental applied research: economic and geographical method, method of multiplexed serial-parallel cross with adaptive deploy systems, dynamic approximation. Analyzing the mechanisms of the processes of the geo transit character under the condition of the creation of a new megaregion “global city-region of Donbass” the following statement is put forward: leading institutions and the main link in the creation of new “reference areas” or “lines of force” of reproduction economic cycles under the process of a continuous cargo traffic become the Seversky Donets River and the access in the region to the hydrogen energy. The analysis of cartograms, adaptation of the data of “reference areas” allows grouping the existing administrative units into four reproductive cycles of a new mega region “Donbass” with epicenters: reproduction center with its epicenter in Rostov-on-Don, Shakhty, Donetsk, Lugansk; reproduction center number 1 with the epicenter in Sevastopol; reproduction center number 2 with the epicenter in Kharkov, Belgorod, Voronezh; reproduction center number 3 with the epicenter in Volgograd. The analysis determines the indispensable inclusion of the geo-economic development of these spaces in the public territorial policy with the launch of the federal target program of the international level.
Key words: geo-economics, “Donbass”, state territorial policy, geo and transit potential, southern Russia, city formation, hydrogen energy, federal target program of international status.
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