Batmanova V.V. Agroindustrial complex of the Volgograd region: competitive advantages, current state and prospects of modernization
Batmanova Viktoria ViktorovnaCandidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of World and Regional Economics, Volgograd State University,
Prosp. Universitetsky, 100, 400062 Volgograd, Russian Federation
The article analyses the state of the agricultural sector of the Volgograd region. The region is a large producer of agricultural production, capable of influencing the food market of the country. Competitive advantages of the agricultural sector of the Volgograd region are unique soil and climate conditions, presence of a considerable share of agricultural lands, multilateral character of the economy, a developed net of credit cooperatives, complexes of bloodstock farms, availability of a large scientific agrarian and university complex, considerable water resources of the Volga Don basin. The competitive growth of the agricultural sphere of the region is possible on a further development of the scientific basis of agriculture, creation of innovative mechanisms of regional management on the basis of clusters and the use of progressive technologies of processing and land irrigation, solution of the problems of small forms of economy in the village (solution of the land problem, getting rid of price disparity, subsidizing, development of the logistics center of the distribution of the grown agricultural production), improvement of the institute of agricultural activity, training of the stuff of agricultural enterprises for work under the conditions of Russia’s joining the WTO, activization of the activity in creation and realization of innovative and investment projects.
Key words: agriculture, crop breeding, cattle breeding, producers of the agricultural production, Volgograd region, region, regional economy, agricultural complex, competitiveness of agriculture, agricultural producers, modernization.
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