Trilitskaya O.Yu., Trilitskaya V.V. Webinar – an effective method of staff training

Trilitskaya O.Yu.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Management, Volgograd State University (

Trilitskaya V.V.
Economist, “Gazprom Transgaz Volgograd” (

Webinars (online seminars) – is a modern and priority tool for conferences and trainings that creates unlimited opportunities for studies and obtaining professional and special knowledge. In this article the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of webinars in comparison with classic seminars is displayed, stages of the introduction of the webinars technology in Ltd «Gazpromtransgas Volgograd» are displayed. The choice of service and platforms for the organization of webinars are offered. The economic effect of classic education with the help of webinars technology is calculated.

Key words: webinar, education, training, efficiency, staff, online-communication, advantages and disadvantages of webinars.

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