Anikina I.D., Chekalkina A.A. Estimation of regional investment potential through the example of the Southern federal district

Anikina I.D.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Chair of Corporate Finance and Banking, Volgograd State University, Volgograd (

Chekalkina A.A.
Graduate Student, Institute of International Economy and Finance, Volgograd State University (

The necessity of assessing the financial and investment potential of the region as an internal resource for increasing investment and innovation activity of organizations was substantiated. It was suggested to correct the methodology of practical calculation of financial and investment potential of the territory taking into consideration indicators per capita. The values of the financial and investment potential for the regions of the Southern Federal District were obtained, regions with a positive value of the net savings per capita were identified.
Key words: regional economy, Southern Federal District, financial and investment potential of the region, method of evaluation of financial and investment potential, investments, innovations, activity, net savings.

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