Popova L.V., Lata M.S. Tendencies of development of small forms of managing in agrarian and industrial complex of the Volgograd region

Popova L.V.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Insurance, Financial and Economic Analysis, Volgograd State Agrarian University (lvpopova@bk.ru)

Lata M.S.
Post-Graduate Student of the Department of Insurance, Financial and Economic Analysis, Volgograd State Agrarian University (mariyalata@ yandex.ru)

Tendencies of development and features of a current state of small forms of managing in agrarian sector of economy of the Volgograd region are revealed, organizational bases of their activity are generalized, and also the perspective directions of the state support of subjects of small forms of managing in agro-industrial complex of the Volgograd region are presented.
Key words: subjects of small forms of managing, country (farmer) farms (To (F)H), the personal subsidiary farms (PSF), organizations of rural consumer cooperation (SPOK), tendency of development of small business, state support of family farms, agricultural insurance.

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