Druzhinin P.V., Potasheva O.V., Prokop’ev E.A. Impact of climate change on regional agricultural development

Druzhinin P.V.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Cepartment of Modeling and Forecasting of Regional Development of the Institute of Economics, KRC of RAS, Petrozavodsk (pdruzhinin@mail.ru)

Potasheva O.V.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Researcher Department of Modeling and Forecasting of Regional Development of the Institute of Economics, KRC of RAS, Petrozavodsk(lelyapotasheva@ya.ru)

Prokop’ev E.A. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Junior Researcher, Department of Modeling and Forecasting of Regional Development, Institute of Economics, KRC of RAS, Petrozavodsk (e_prokopiev@mail.ru)

Abstract. The paper estimated the impact of climatic changes on the development of the agriculture of the regions of the European part of Russia. As a result models allowing assessment of climate changes on the crop productivity of different agricultural cultures (crops, potatoes, vegetables, sunflower seeds) and the dynamics of agricultural development were developed.
Key words: agriculture, economic growth, climate changes, crop yields, crops, vegetables, southern regions, gross regional product, agro-technical characteristics, technical progress.

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