Evdokimova S.S. Efficiency of implementation of priority regional projects of the Volgograd region

Evdokimova S.S.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Corporate Finance and Banking, Volgograd State University (evdokimovalana@mail.ru)

In the article relevance and the importance of realization of target comprehensive state programs as an instrument of management of regional strategy of economic, social, scientific and technical development, concentration of resources for the realization of priority territorial projects and solution of primary territorial problems are revealed. The structure of federal and regional financing of state programs in the territory of the Volgograd regions is displayed. The recommendations in the efficiency rise of the monitoring of target indices of state programs are offered.
Key words: financial and economic sustainability, region, strategy, federal target program of development of regions, sources of financing of the state program, indicators of economic and social efficiency of public programs, monitoring.

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