Mikhalkina E.V., Kosolapova N.A., Mikhalkina D.A. Assessment of the achievements of school graduates as a basis for formation of competences in higher education system

Mikhalkina E.V.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Deputy of Human Resource Management Department, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don (mikhalkina_e@mail.ru)

Kosolapova N.A.
Ph.D, Lecturer, Department of Economic Cybernetics, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don (natkos@aaanet.ru)

Mikhalkina D.A.
Student of Economic faculty, Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don (dariyna_ma@mail.ru)

For the moment higher educational institutions are actively fighting for their students with a high enough level of basic knowledge and clear motivation for studies. This competition is primarily due to the desire of educational institutions to prepare highly competitive specialists demanded by the labor market. The main indicators in this area, which are reference points for universities, are the results of the common state examination. In this regard, the question arises whether the state exam scores are an indicator of the success of student learning, whether the admission to universities students with high scores provide the results in getting professional competences. The article provides an attempt to assess the degree of influence of the indicators of human capital of a graduate of a secondary school on the process of formation of professional competences of a student of a higher educational institution from the point of view of competence approach.
Key words: achievements of schools graduates, professional competences, common state examination, competitiveness of students, human capital indicators, capital of graduates of educational institutions, indicators of human capital.

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