Babkov G.A., Kushkhov A.P. Integral estimation of efficiency of functioning of industrial economy of the region

Babkov G.A.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Chair of Economy and Management, Rostov International Institute of Economics and Management, Rostovon- Don (
Kushkhov A.P.
Candidate of Economics Sciences, Associate Professor, Accounting and Analysis Chair, Kabardino-Balkarian state University, Nalchik (

In article questions of the sectoral structure of the region and comparable measurement of the characteristics of the gross regional product by kinds of economic activity are analyzed. The results are displayed that were obtained as after the implementation of the author methodology of the comparative assessment of the efficiency of functioning, clusterization and substantiation of the development of sectors of regional economy using the materials of the Kabardino-Balkar Republic.
Key words: gross regional product, types of economic activity, industry, regional economy, criterion of efficiency, clustering, integral evaluation, direction of development.

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