Shkarupa E.A., Kuzmina M.I., Rodionova E.V. Implementation of the mechanism of import substitution as a factor of competitiveness of the economic complex of the region

Shkarupa E.А.
Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Theory of Finance, Credit and Taxation, Volgograd State University, Volgograd (
Kuzmina M.I. Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Economics and Management, Volgograd State Technical University, Volgograd (
Rodionova E.V. Postgraduate Student, Chair of International and Regional Economy, Volgograd State University, Volgograd (

Abstract. The recent slowdown in import growth in Russia, including associated with and a response to economic sanctions is the result of the targeted economic policy of the state that gives support to Russian producers. The article proposes a number of measures on the formation mechanisms of import substitution in industry and agriculture of the Rostov region and most of them are universal and can be used in the practice of regional governance in other regions.
Key words: regional economic policy, economic sanctions, economic growth, Rostov region, southern Russia, import substitution, industry, agriculture.

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