Káposzta Jó., Nagy A., Nagy H. Effificency of Hungarian regions in using the development funds for touristic purposes

Káposzta Jó.
PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent István University, Hungary, Gödöllő (kaposzta.jozsef@gtk.szie.hu)

Nagy А.
Departmental Engineer, Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent István University, Hungary, Gödöllő (Nagy.Henrietta@gtk.szie.hu)

Nagy Н.
PhD in Management and Business Administration, Associate Professor, Vice Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent István University, Hungary, Gödöllő (Nagy.Henrietta@gtk.szie.hu)

Tourism is one of the highest income-generating sectors which has influence on other economic and social processes as well. With the increase in the solvent demand, it can contribute to the creation of sustainable touristic service. In the last programming period, there was EUR 5 billion available for developing the agriculture, rural environment and the rural areas in Hungary. It facilitates the changes of the economic structure, started already, and slows down the break-off of the rural areas to be able to start the economic and social catch up. Funds available for the touristic services can improve the competitiveness of the regions, in case they are used efficiently. Such funds are available from various sources. One of our objectives in this research was to examine these funds and the concrete development directions in details and to investigate what their spatial distribution is in the country, seeing whether these funds show any concentration in Hungary.
Key words: rural development, tourism infrastructure, development funds, cohesion policy.

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