Lipina S.A. Production of ecolgoically pure foodstuff as a priority of the development of the agricultural sphere of Southern macroregion
Lipina S.A.
Doctor of Economic Sciences, Director of the Center of the Green Economy of the Federal State Budgetary Scientific Research Institute "Council for the Research of the Productive Forces at the Ministry of the Economic Development of Russia and Russian Academy of Sciences", Moscow (
The article analyses world trends of the development and the national experience of the production of ecologically clean foodstuff. It is emphasized that in the Southern macroregion, especially in the republics of the Northern Caucasus structural and territorial changes in the allocation and specialization of the agricultural production are needed. The author suggests practical recommendations, contributing to an efficient realization of the "road map" in the production of ecologically pure products.
Keywords: green economy, ecology, eco-friendly products, agriculture, agro-industrial complex, rural areas, new technologies, organic farming, Southern macroregion, Northern Caucasus, sustainable development.
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