Bondarenko L.N., Shor D.M. Insurance as a factor of social and economic stability in the Southern Federal District

Bondarenko L.N.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor of the Chair of Corporate Finance and Banking, Volgograd State University, Volgograd (

Shor D.M.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Chair of Corporate Finance and Banking, Volgograd State University, Volgograd (


In the article the prerequisites are studied and the prospects of the development of the insurance system in the regions of the South Federal District within the World Trade Organization are assessed. Its strong and weak sides are revealed, the most important functions of the provision of the social and economic development of southern regions of Russia with the help of the insurance mechanism are given.

Key words: region, South of Russia, insurance, threats, opportunities, development, WTO, insurance payment, agricultural insurance, life insurance.

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