Ivanov N.P., Cheprasov E.V. Changes of the investment climate in the regions of the Southern federal district in 2010-2013

Ivanov N.P.

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Vice President on the Strategic Development, Stavropol State Medical University (ivanovstvr@yandex.ru)

Cheprasov E.V.

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Head of Finance and Economic Department of Limited Partnership "Raygorod" (Cheprasov@Vipoil.com)


The article discloses contemporary trends characterizing changes of the components of the investment climate of the regions of the Southern federal district – investment potential and the investment risk, formed during the last three years; it is noted that for both foreign investors and the national private business it is necessary to have an efficient strategy of the systematic rise of the investment attractiveness and the competitiveness of the regions of the South of Russia in the global investment space.

Key words: investments, investment attractiveness, investment risk, investment climate, Southern federal district, efficiency.

Attachments:/Ivanov N.P., Cheprasov E.V. .pdf