Shkarupa E.A. Volgograd Region Potential in Implementation of Import Substitution Policy and Agricultural Exports Strengthening: Need to Improve Government Support
Ekaterina A. Shkarupa
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Abstract. The diversification of foreign economic relations adjusted the approaches of government in terms of clarification of strategic priorities of agriculture, synchronizing them in accordance with the national goals of the country. The analysis of the factors that determined the new conditions for the activities of farmers showed the increased attention to improvement of the system of state support for the industry. Import substitution opportunities act as a vector for the development of the agrarian economy, aimed not only at growth stimulation of domestic agricultural production, but also increasing export potential. The study of self-sufficiency indicators revealed spot problems in the implementation of import substitution policy (breeding, seed production, genetic material) that require a systematic approach in the context of government support. The priority of the development of dairy cattle breeding is the basic condition for self-sufficiency achievement in milk and dairy products. Statistical data made it possible to assess the current state of development of dairy cattle breeding. The article systematizes measures of government support, examines the potential of Volgograd region in the context of problems’ solution of this area. The study also identifies the problems of breeding and seed production development. The conclusion is made about the need to transform the system of government support for agriculture on the basis of a mechanism made of three elements, which are the interaction between the state, agricultural universities or research institutes and farmers themselves. The task of the government is to respond in a modern way to changes in the conditions of activity of farmers, stability of provision and expansion of financial support measures, mainly targeted financing, adoption and adjustment of relevant legislation. The conclusion is made about the possibility of expanding the boundaries of domestic agricultural production with an emphasis on the export-oriented component, changing export flows from the position of commodity and geographical structure.
Key words: government support, food security, import substitution, dairy cattle breeding, breeding, seed production, genetic material, agroexport.
Citation. Shkarupa E.A., 2024. Volgograd Region Potential in Implementation of Import Substitution Policy and Agricultural Exports Strengthening: Need to Improve Government Support. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 224-235. (in Russian). DOI:
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