Selivanov V.V., Kriukova A.L. Development of Gastro Tourism in Southern Resort Areas of Russia

Victor  V.  Selivanov
Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Yalta, Yalta, Russian Federation
Anastasiya  L.  Kriukova
Humanitarian-Pedagogical Academy (Branch) of V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University in Yalta, Yalta, Russian Federation

Abstract. Gastrotourism is characterized by positive dynamics in the Black Sea resorts of Russia. This type of tourism is actively progressing in the economy of many countries. Ecotourism, which also includes gastronomic tourism,  is  a  complex  promising  economic  phenomenon  that  has  a  number of  perspective  development  paths. The following types of tourism are directly connected with ecological tourism: nature tourism, ethnographic tourism, gastronomic tours, etc. Gastronomic types of travel have been gaining popularity for a long time and are attracting more and more tourists. The relevance of research topic, which the article is devoted to, is that for the well-known Black Sea resort areas of Russia, the formation of gastronomic tours ensures the dynamic development of system-forming complexes of the service sector, which can be considered as a progressive factor contributing to the economic development of popular southern resort regions. In addition, for the Black Sea resort destinations, this type of tourist activity contributes to the stimulation and development of important economic areas of production activities and, above all, viticulture and winemaking. During the period of dynamic development, the tourist service has the opportunity to offer gourmets and connoisseurs a variety of gastronomic destinations with truly original dishes, drinks and desserts. The taste preferences of a potential tourist determine the choice of travel destination with scheduled tastings of products prepared in the traditions of multifaceted national cuisines. The gastronomic flavor acts as a link between the peculiarities of national culture and the authenticity of national kitchen customs. A study of unique wine gastronomic tours was conducted in the article that will allow you not only to plunge into the local flavor, enjoy grapes, cheese and fine wines of the Crimean Peninsula and the Caucasus, but also to get acquainted with many places of interest. Wine festivals are particularly attractive in Crimea and the Caucasus. For this purpose, a separate study was conducted on the organization of wine festivals in the Caucasus and Crimea.
Key words: wine festivals, gastrotourism, destination, resorts of Caucasus and Crimea, eco-tourism.

Citation. Selivanov V.V., Kriukova A.L., 2024. Development of Gastro Tourism in Southern Resort Areas of Russia. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 209-215. (in Russian). DOI:

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