Buyanova M.E., Barakov V.S. Improving the Mechanism for Managing Socio-Economic Risks in the Region

Marina  E.  Buyanova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Vladislav  S.  Barakov
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article considers the concept and essential characteristics of the mechanism for managing socio-economic risks. The list of these risks is identified, their features are determined. The systemic nature of the mechanism for managing them is considered as a set of subjects, objects, relationships between them, methods, tools, indicators reflecting the effectiveness or inefficiency of the mechanism as a whole, which give an idea of the need for corrective actions in the process of its functioning. The model of the mechanism for managing socio-economic risks is defined as operating at the macro- and mesoeconomic levels. A comparative analysis of the regions of the Russian Federation showed a differential state of regional economic systems to these types of risks, which is due to the difference in their territorial-geographical, natural-climatic, production (we are talking about the main Say model, consisting of labor, land, capital), infrastructural, organizational and information initial conditions. The analysis showed that unused reserves, inefficiency of meso-level economic systems are associated with distortions in the functioning of the mechanism under study, and therefore, determine the need for its improvement in the field of changes in methods and tools (helping to minimize risks or mitigate the consequences of their occurrence), institutional components, economic regulators and the complexity of assessing their impacts. Differences between regional economic systems give rise to the need to create a modifying (for specific regional conditions), modulating (from the necessary blocks or their components (for example, methods)), transforming (in the process of their evolutionary changes) mechanism for managing socio-economic risks, capable of responding to new challenges and threats generated by scientific and technological progress and political realities of the modern development of countries and individual regions.
Key words: socio-economic risks, regional economy, macro-regions, risk management mechanism, risk minimization.

Citation. Buyanova M.E., Barakov V.S., 2024. Improving the Mechanism for Managing Socio-Economic Risks in the Region. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 165-173. (in Russian). DOI:

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