Popova L.V., Kozenko Z.N., Zvolinskaya O.V. Adaptation of the household agricultural units of the population of the Astrakhan region to contemporary economic conditions

Popova L.V.

Doctor of Economics, Professor of Department of Finance, Credit and Taxation Department of Volgograd State University (lvpopova@bk.ru)

Kozenko Z.N.

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Department of Economics and Rural Credit Cooperative Societies of Volgograd State Agricultural University (kozenko_zn@mail.ru)

Zvolinskaya O.V.

Postgraduate Student, Department of Economic Analysis and Finance Department of Volgograd State Agricultural University (zvolinskaia79@mail.ru)


The article describes the features of small business development in the agriculture of the Astrakhan region, the problems of their functioning in the current conditions. The formation of the regional agrofood distribution system for the promotion and implementation of agrofood products is offered.

Key words: farms, private household farms, commodity producing system, rural households adaptation.

Attachments:/Popova L.V., Kozenko Z.N., Zvolinskaya O.V. .pdf