Chernova O.A. Prospects for Development of Water Management in Rostov Region in System of Relations “Water-Energy-Food”

Olga A.  Chernova
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation;
Russian Research Institute for Integrated Water Management and Protection, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Abstract. In modern socio-economic and environmental challenges, the sustainable development of regional water management systems must be carried out within the framework of a circular paradigm. However, not all circular approaches are sustainable. Therefore, implementing circular business models should be carried out on the principles of industrial symbiosis.  The  possibilities of  achieving the  synergistic  effects  of the  circular  economy  increase  significantly  by implementing the  water-energy-food relationship.  The article  substantiates  the  possibilities and  prospects  for  the development of water management in the Rostov region based on intersectoral interactions between the water, energy, and food sectors of the economy. The prerequisites for the implementation of industrial symbiosis relations in the Rostov region were identified. Possible options for implementing industrial symbiosis relations, which showed good results, are proposed. The characteristics of the  main processes implemented by the hydraulic system of the  region to achieve sustainable  development goals are given. The conclusions about the need for state institutional and  infrastructural support for the development of the circular economy are drawn. The novelty of the results is that they go beyond the framework of the circular economy and represent a more holistic vision of the prospects for the development of regional water management. The conclusions can be used in regional management when adopting and developing a strategy for the development of regional water management.
Key words: water management, regional economy, concept of  “water-energy-food”, industrial symbiosis, sustainable development.
Citation. Chernova O.A., 2024. Prospects for Development of Water Management in Rostov Region in System of Relations “Water-Energy-Food”. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 165-174. (in Russian). DOI:

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