Kiseleva N.N., Khuchiev M.M. Updating Approaches to Studies of Economic Space Heterogeneity

Natalia  N.  Kiseleva
North Caucasian Institute – Branch of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Pyatigorsk, Russian Federation
Muslim  M.  Khuchiev
Academy of Sciences of the Chechen Republic, Grozny, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article distinguishes the categories of “heterogeneity of economic space” and “interregional social differentiation”, as well as the ways of their assessment. On the basis of the theories of new economic geography and center-periphery theory, the nature of spatial heterogeneity is revealed. The heterogeneity of Russia’s economic space is analyzed through the prism of two key properties of space, i.e., density and connectivity. It is shown that the spatial heterogeneity in terms of population density is growing against the background of decreasing differentiation of space in terms of economic density, measured as GRP per 1 km 2  and volume of investment in fixed capital per 1 km 2 , which can be explained by the fact that the economy is in a phase of recession. A positive correlation between population density and highway density is revealed, which can be explained by the discreteness of space. Based on empirical data, the authors conclude that communicative compression of economic space is characteristic of regions with high population density and economic density and regions with extremely low population density and transport connectivity. In the first case, it is evidence of high business activity in the territory, while in the second case it is a way to increase the availability of services. Based on the comparison of population density and economic density of space, four types of territories were identified: territories of spatial compression; territories with growing population density against the background of high economic density of space; and territories characterized by high population density with relatively low density of economic space; territories with relatively low population density and a trend for its further reduction against the background of high economic density of space. The priorities of spatial development are defined for each type of territory.
Key words: economic space, heterogeneity, density, connectivity, spatial growth, spatial compression, management.
Citation. Kiseleva N.N., Khuchiev M.M., 2024. Updating Approaches to Studies of Economic Space Heterogeneity. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 19-26. (in Russian). DOI:

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