Malatyinszki S., Nagy H. Improving the Digitalization Capacity of Municipalities of Hungary Through Knowledge Management Tools

Szilárd Malatyinszki
Kodolanyi Janos University, Székesfehérvár, Hungary

Henrietta Nagy
Milton Friedman University, Budapest, Hungary

Abstract. What does the digitization capability of local governments mean? What does it mean for a municipality to actively use digitization tools? How does the digital space affect the quality of life of the population and the attractiveness of businesses? Our goal is to present the digital tools that can be used to improve the quality of life of people living in settlements. Digitization is reflected in the way citizens and industries do business, helping them to access municipal functions and interact with the municipality on a daily basis. In addition, digitalization makes the management and operation of a settlement more sustainable. Last but not least, digitalization can make the everyday lives of those who live in it more livable and enjoyable. Our method is literature review, source analysis, and knowledge of economic and social processes. During our research, we explore the opportunities offered by digitization through examples, which we combine with knowledge management tools. We present models and tools for what needs to be done to improve urban life to the increasing satisfaction of residents. According to our results, municipalities do not use the toolbox of digitalization in the field of online administration, automated process management and marketing tools. Digitalization also provides opportunities for environmental awareness, administration, and support for companies and smart cities.
Key words: digitalization, digital technologies, digital competence, adult learning and education, teaching methods, entrepreneurship development, knowledge management.
Citation. Malatyinszki S., Nagy H., 2023. Improving the Digitalization Capacity of Municipalities of Hungary Through Knowledge Management Tools. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 11, no. 1, pp. 70-79. DOI:
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