Mikhaylova N.A., Naumof Yu.G., Timokhin D.V. Digital Platforms as an Instrument for Closing Production Cycles of Agricultural Complex of Southern Federal District

Nataliya A. Mikhaylova
Moscow State Humanitarian and Economic University, Moscow, Russian Federation;
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation

Yuri G. Naumov
Academy of Management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation

Dmitry V. Timokhin
Moscow State Humanitarian and Economic University, Moscow, Russian Federation;
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, Moscow, Russian Federation

Abstract. The agro-industrial complex is a key element of the model of an economically sovereign national economy, which is responsible for the country’s food security. At the same time, in conditions of intensive digitalization of production and logistics in the economy, it cannot be considered a self-sufficient economic agent and requires adaptation to the main technological trend in its development. The trend that determines the next decade is the technological reformatting of the infrastructure of any industry based on the convergence of its scattered elements based on a specialized digital platform. The article sets out copyright proposals to adjust the complex digital frame of the agricultural sector of the Southern Federal District to relevant conditions of the technology and industry development of the Russian economy for the year 2022. The needs and possibilities of digital solutions’ introduction into the processes of the companies of the Southern Federal District engaged in the agro-industrial complex were identified. The economic feasibility of scaling successful digital solutions implemented by the forces of large private companies in the Southern Federal District is justified by their scale as digital platforms at the regional level. The economic feasibility of technological consolidation of currently scattered participants in the agricultural sector of the Southern Federal District on the basis of the use of scarce technologies in Russia by hardware and digital solutions through unification and technological harmonization of their technological processes has also been proven. According to the results of the study, the authors developed a system of economic approaches to the formation of hardware and software configurations of digital platforms in the Southern Federal District, taking into account the current needs of the agricultural sector of the district, global trends of digital transformation in the production basis of the modern economy, and the priorities of the country’s national technological, food, and economic security within a specific federal district.
Key words: Southern Federal District, regional agro-industrial complex, digital platforms, infrastructure, closed production cycle.
Citation. Mikhaylova N.A., Naumov Yu.G., Timokhin D.V., 2023. Digital Platforms as an Instrument for Closing Production Cycles in the Agricultural Complex of Southern Federal District. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 11, no. 4, pp. 227-240. (in Russian). DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/re.volsu.2023.4.20

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