Lomonosova Ya.G., Mingaleva Zh.A. Development Features of a Human Resources Management Mechanism

Yana G. Lomonosova
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
Zhanna A. Mingaleva
Perm National Research Polytechnic University, Perm, Russian Federation
Abstract. In the modern world, there is an increasingly clear understanding that human resources are becoming one
of the most important factors in successful competition, and the construction of a human resources management mechanism
that is adequate to the requirements of the time allows for the comprehensive use of this factor in the competitiveness of an
enterprise. Based on factor and structural-logical analysis, a set of human resources management goals and corresponding
management objects is identified. The author’s approach to the construction of a complex of subsystems of human resources
management mechanisms is suggested. As a basic criterion for the identification of management subsystems, a multifactorial
approach to understanding the place and role of human resources in the economy and society was used. An element-by-
element content of the three main subsystems of the human resources management mechanism is suggested; their relationship
with each other is reflected, as is their interaction with the main subsystems of personnel policy, which is a special form of
implementation of the human resources management mechanism. The concept of a “complete personnel cycle” is given, and
its role in personnel policy and in the human resources management mechanism is revealed. The importance of such human
resources management tools as management of professional growth and development of employees is mentioned, which at
the same time are the strongest motives for the self-development of personnel in enterprises and organizations. The importance
of motivational aspects and the need to pay additional attention to methods of non-material motivation in human resources
management are shown. The importance of the personnel reserve for successful human resources management is shown,
and the main shortcomings in its formation are emphasized. Conclusions are drawn about the need to adapt the existing
human resources management mechanisms at enterprises and organizations to modern business and economic conditions.
Key words: human resources, digital economy, management mechanism, personnel policy, complete personnel
cycle, personnel reserve.
Citation. Lomonosova Ya.G., Mingaleva Zh.A., 2024. Development Features of a Human Resources Management
Mechanism. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 12, no. 1, pp. 112-119. (in Russian).
DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/re.volsu.2024.1.11