Pinkus T.M., Stepchuk M.A., Krylova L.S. Updating Economic Methods of Healthcare Development Management (On the Example of Belgorod Region)

Tatiana M. Pinkus
Medical Information and Analytical Center, Belgorod, Russian Federation

Mihail А. Stepchuk
Medical Information and Analytical Center, Belgorod, Russian Federation

Lyudmila S. Krylova
Department of Healthcare of Belgorod Region, Belgorod, Russian Federation

Abstract. The article is devoted to the use of updated methods of economic management of healthcare development in Belgorod region with the use of promising forms of financing of medical organizations, payment and economic motivation of medical workers in achievement of medical service quality and the effectiveness of medical organizations. The relevance of research is explained by the need to replace existing management system with new methods of economic management in healthcare, analysis and rational use of all means of healthcare, impact assessment of increase of the motivation of medical workers on the effectiveness of medical organizations and the quality of medical services, for the choice of the most optimal financing options and achievement of the best results in protection of public health. The authors used the main evaluation criteria: a) mortality reduction, including infant mortality and prolongation of the active life of a person; b) efficiency of the bed network and medical workers, quality and volume of inpatient medical care; c) availability and quality of medical care for the population living in the area of service of medical organization, effectiveness of outpatient medical care, a substitute hospital, and preventive measures. At the same time the use of effective methods of examination, treatment and prevention were taken into account. The study used a complex method: economic, statistical, quantitative and qualitative analysis, comparative assessment. The analysis showed that when choosing the forms of financing and motivation, the accumulated experience of economic management in the developed countries of the world and Russia was used, what made it possible to determine the best option. In the conclusion, an increase in wages and motivation of medical workers was found what had a positive impact on the efficiency of the medical organization, the quality of medical services and the health of the population. Recommendations are given for the improvement of economic management methods in healthcare, and a drawback is showed, i.e. limited funding and, accordingly, per capita tariffs, which does not allow using fully new methods of treatment.

Key words: economic methods of management, promising forms of payment for medical services, sectoral system of remuneration, quality of medical services, efficiency of functioning of medical organizations.

Citation. Pinkus T.M., Stepchuk M.A., Krylova L.S., 2021. Updating Economic Methods of Healthcare Development Management (On the Example of Belgorod Region). Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 39-49. (in Russian). DOI:

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