Grigoryeva L.V., Gorshkova N.V. Smart Technologies As a Tool for Development of Personal Pension Protection of Population

Lyubov V. Grigoryeva
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation
Natalya V. Gorshkova
Volgograd State University, Volgograd, Russian Federation

Abstract. The need to provide pension protection for the population of Russia is one of the priority tasks of the state’s social policy. However, the current situation connected with the territorial differentiation of retirement benefits creates conditions for finding new opportunities to provide the population with access to pension products that will allow them to ensure their pension protection. The importance of the issue determined the purpose of this paper which is to study the specifics of investment into personal pension protection of Russian citizens, as well as the peculiarities of smart technologies use during this process. The research methodology is based on the methods of systems analysis and synthesis, as well as on general research methods like induction and deduction. Methods of statistical and graphical analysis were used to process the empirical material. In order to study the involvement of the population in the investment into personal pension protection and the use of smart technologies in the financial sector, the method of sociological surveys and expert opinion was applied. Relying on the essential parameters of the Russian system of pension protection and the digital technologies used in the process of implementing the personal pension scheme funds of Russian citizens, the authors have identified and analyzed the following parameters: 1) specific features of the Russian system of pension protection for general public in Russia; 2) peculiarities of the financial behavior and financial preferences of Russians in the formation of personal pension protection; 3) key problems that deter people from the use of pension schemes in an expanded format; 4) suggested service of existing digital technologies in the pension system and the prospects for its development. The method suggested by the authors for the solution of the issues mentioned above involves taking into account the real needs of the public for the access to pension products by means of digital technologies based on the suggested service. The set of options suggested by the authors will contribute to the most efficient investment into pension protection of the general public and improve the standard of living of the population in the future.

Key words: pension protection, population, smart technologies, digitalization, pension schemes, pension products, non-governmental pension funds, insurance companies, economic mechanisms.

Citation. Grigoryeva L.V., Gorshkova N.V., 2021. Smart Technologies As a Tool for Development of Personal Pension Protection of Population. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 40-49. (in Russian). DOI:

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