Borzenko K.V. Problems and Prospects of Marketing Activity Intensification of Healthcare Organizations in Rostov Region
Kseniya V. Borzenko
Rostov State Economic University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation
Abstract. The article focuses on the scientific and practical problem associated with raising and maintaining the competitiveness of healthcare organizations at a high level. The solution of this problem implies creating marketing relations in the sphere of public health and activating marketing of organizations working in this field. This article aims to identify key problems, determine and substantiate prospects for activating marketing activity of healthcare organizations in Rostov region. As a result of the research the author made the conclusion that the key problems of activating marketing activities of healthcare organizations in Rostov region are reduced to the imbalance in the market structure because of which the healthcare market in Rostov region is dominated by public health organizations which do not actually compete in the market and therefore are not interested in the marketing activity. Another problem in this field is one channel financing of healthcare organizations of Rostov region which determines the only source of financial resources and it is the system of compulsory health insurance. Another problem is limited business opportunities of healthcare organizations in Rostov region which do not have sufficient opportunities to optimize and diversify their activities according to the principles of marketing. For an integrated solution of these problems, the author presents a promising model for encouraging marketing activities of healthcare organizations in Rostov Region.
Key words: social and economic regional policy, marketing activities, healthcare organizations, compulsory health insurance, competitiveness, Rostov region.
Citation. Borzenko K.V., 2019. Problems and Prospects of Marketing Activity Intensification of Healthcare Organizations in Rostov Region]. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 144-150. (in Russian). DOI:
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