Chernova O.A. Labor Migration as a Factor of Economic Development of the South of Russia

Olga A. Chernova

Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russian Federation

Abstract. The significant impact of labor mobility on modernization of regional economy determines the relevance of the study. The article examines the main features of labor migration flows in the regions of the Southern Russia and identifies prospects of their innovative development. In contrast to similar studies, the article investigates labor migration in terms of its impact on qualitative changes in the economy of the host territory. It is proposed to distinguish centripetal and centrifugal, as well as inertial, innovative and regression migration. This allows taking into account the role of labor migration processes in modernization of regional economy. The author identifies economic, social and institutional effects of labor migration and determines their main trends on the basis of analyzing labor migration processes in the regions of the southern Russia. The study shows that intraregional migration, in general, is subject to the regularities identified by E.G. Ravenstein. In addition, the quality of migration flows is influenced by educational mobility of young people and by location of South Russian regions along the border. The issue of labor migration regulation is determined by its centripetal nature, which leads to overabundance of highly qualified human capital in regional centers. The study proposes a solution to the problem of labor mobility of the population for modernized development of a region and suggests to implement the projects of public-private partnership dealing with creation of innovative industrial clusters. It is concluded that implementation of cluster projects using the mechanisms of public-private partnership will allow focusing labor resources on enhancing their innovative abilities and their full implementation, to provide the local population with highly skilled jobs. The author emphasizes that these tasks should be interconnected with the tasks of socio-economic development of peripheral territories.

Key words: population mobility, labor resources, labor migration, regional economy, territorial and industrial clusters, modernization, effects of labor migration, labor market.

Citation. Chernova O.A., 2019. Labor Migration as a Factor of Economic Development of the South of Russia. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 7, no. 3, pp. 60-72. (in Russian). DOI:

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