Horváth-Csikós G., Zaien S. The Role of International Organizations in the Reconstruction of Countries Affected by War
Gabriella Horváth-Csikós
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary
Samir Zaien
Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences, Szent István University, Gödöllő, Hungary
Abstract. There is no doubt that post-conflict situations call for physical reconstruction. However, a well-developed
civil society along with independent media, reliable police and judiciary are equally essential to physical reconstruction for obtaining sustainable economic growth and stability. Reconstruction in post-conflict situations must go beyond the technical aspects of reconstructing infrastructure and services. It also, essentially, should include a human factor contributing to the reintegration of people into civil society. The role of international NGOs will be accomplished when the governmental structures supported by civil society are completely able to take over their tasks with credibility (e.g. political and economic willingness, impartiality and accountability) and feasibility (specific capabilities and professionalism).
The aim of the paper is to show the role of international organisations in the reconstruction process of the countries
affected by war. In the summary the authors conclude that the role of international organisations acting as a ‘puzzle’ and having a certain piece of the picture could rather lead to devastation and not to reconstruction.
Key words: wars, reconstruction, international organisations, third world, post conflict situation, stability, nongovernmental organisation, civil society.
Citation. Horváth-Csikós G., Zaien S., 2019. The Role of International Organizations in the Reconstruction of Countries Affected by War. Regionalnaya ekonomika. Yug Rossii [Regional Economy. South of Russia], vol. 7, no. 2, pp. 4-12. DOI: https://doi.org/10.15688/re.volsu.2019.2.1
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